Betting Online - Sport Betting
A Chance to Win Money
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There are various methods and tricks you can use to make a profit from sport betting. You don’t need to know almost anything about sports for some of these. For example, you can take advantage of the differences between the odds of sport betting sites, or use other mathematical calculations - we’ll write about that later on this page. First, we want to show you a method that preserves the exciting moments of sport betting while maximizing your chances of winning.

Betting Online - The Basics of Successful Sport Betting
For a sports bettor to raise the frequency of winning from a casual level to a regular one, it is not enough to bet on a hobby level but to take his activity seriously. What does it take to become successful at sport betting? The following list contains handy advice that comes from our decades of experience and summarizes the essence of betting online. Of course, we don’t know all the secrets of every successful sports bettor, and we don’t have the super abilities to predict the outcome of future events. However, by following the tips below, you can achieve a significant improvement in your sport betting habits and winning frequency.
Everyone knows there are many different sports, each with its own rules, sports teams with various backgrounds and tactics, the countries of the teams, with their different financial resources, athletes with particularly good skills, and so on.
Fewer know that the above factors have a huge impact on the outcome of a sporting event. What does this mean for a sports bettor?
For profitable online sport betting, it is crucial to choose the right sport, the right event that is held in the right place.
The importance of sport in online betting
For hobby sports bettors, the subject of the bet is often European football (soccer). Here we would like to make a few remarks about this sport and compare it to other ones.
Some soccer bettors know the teams, the athletes very well, keep track of injuries, league tables, and statistics so they might be successful, but we advise you to stay away from soccer online betting if you can bet on other sports.
What is wrong with betting on soccer? Of course, if someone feels very good about betting on it, there is nothing wrong, but you can find other sports that promise more success for online betting.
Think about the fact that in 90 minutes of a soccer game, there are only two halves - twice 45 minutes - while in other sports, the playing time can be as much as three-thirds or four-quarters.
In the case of basketball, the playing time consists of four times twelve minutes, with breaks between quarters. In the case of hockey, the playing time is three times twenty minutes. Teams and players can relax more during more frequent breaks, change their gaming strategy, come up with new tactics and a new mindset that can change the outcome of the game.
If there are more breaks and playing time sections, there is also a better chance that the difference between the teams will show up.
Aside from breaks, halves, thirds, quarters, it is another fact that in some sports, more goals or points are scored than in others.
In the NBA basketball tournament, you can often see 70-80 points per team. The NHL hockey league sometimes has more than ten goals in a game.
In soccer, on the other hand, it is rare for more than four goals to be scored in a game. Matches often end without any goals. That’s why we encourage you to gain more in-depth knowledge about other sports than soccer.
Choose a sport with more playing time, more breaks, and more goals or points during the game. With this move, you will have a much better chance of guessing the result of the game.
Geographical location of the tournament
What is the significance of where a tournament is geographically organized in terms of sport betting? The economic situation of the countries and continents is very different. This fact not only affects the financial capabilities of the teams. Of course, in a country where teams have fewer financial resources, they can pay less to athletes and can not hire the best players and coaches. On the other hand, the economic situation of a given country or region also has an impact on the morale of athletes. Manipulating - with other word fixing - a match can be more tempting for underpaid players or teams. Individual players or entire teams can intentionally play poorly if a bettor or a bookmaker pays them more for it than their salary. It’s hard to prove if a game was manipulated. According to Sportradar - a company that monitors the integrity of sporting events - no less than 1% of the monitored events showed suspicious betting patterns, which could be the sign of match-fixing.
If you live in a country with a well-functioning economy and low corruption level, you may not be able to imagine or assess the effects of corruption in a less prosperous country. Bribery can affect all areas of life in that country.
Whether you are betting online or offline, choose a tournament wisely.
During your sports betting, avoid fixed games as much as possible. A single fixed game can ruin a well-put-together betting slip, wasting a lot of valuable work, causing losses, and shaking the sports bettor’s confidence in their own abilities.
How can you - as a bettor - avoid fixed matches? Listen to your intuition and make intelligent decisions.
Bet on events that take place in economically well-performing countries. Whenever possible, choose a sporting event that takes place in the US or Western Europe. Athletes and teams have a good salary in these countries, so it’s not worth them to manipulate a match. If someone did try to pay off such teams, that would cost a lot, which is why a case like that is rare.
Some teams get weird results from time to time, no matter what the country. It is better to avoid such teams too, because their unusual result may have been caused by manipulation.
In the case of online betting, the selection of sporting events is huge. Whichever team is a little suspicious, skip it, and choose another one instead.
The location of a particular sporting event - at home or away
Where does the team play, at home or away? It is a statistical fact that teams perform better in a domestic environment. It may be because they are more relaxed in front of their fans and the fact that they don’t have to travel to the other team’s home, which can sometimes even mean crossing between time zones and taking half a day. A long journey tires the players and leaves less time for preparation and training.
If you want to maximize your chances of winning, bet on home teams. When a strong team is playing at home against a weak team, it is often a winning online betting opportunity. Keep in mind, however, that sometimes top teams reserve their strongest players for serious competitor teams, so they put their weaker players on the field against a weaker team.
Statistics - The most valuable data on sport betting
Get familiar with statistics.
Learn how to use the league tables, home and away statistics, number of previous goals.
Know the key players of - at least some of - the teams.
Browse historical statistics data. How did the teams play against each other in the past? Historical results can have a psychological impact on teams. If a team is always losing against the other team, that has a reason. The team playing away may have to travel very far.
Learn how teams perform at home and away.
Place everything in a time-frame. How far is the end of the game season? Do teams have to play risky for better positions on the league table?
With which big competitor teams will they play right after the current game? The team might save their best players for the next match.
Be aware if any of the key players on the team you bet on are injured. Sometimes a team owes a few key players a good place on the table.
Statements of players and coaches
Usually, you can read statements from team coaches or players a few days before a game. These are short statements or answers to news site interview questions. Read them attentively. Listen to the tone of the communication. Is he optimistic about the upcoming game? Does he talk about worries? Read the opposite team's statement too. Often you can get clear signals which team has the winner mindset.
If you have a good tip based on the stats, but the statements from the coaches make you unsure, you might better off looking for another event for sport betting.
The more events you place in parlay on a betting slip, the less chance you will have of winning.
However, betting on a single event gives you such low odds that it does not worth the effort.
Placing 2 or 3 events on a betting slip is the best trade-off.
In this case, you have a better chance to hit all the results well, and you can get back 3-6 times your invested money.
When you are betting online and plan to place more than three events on a single ticket, use system-betting. System-betting means that you are betting on some or all combinations of events on your bet slip. For example, in a ticket with four events on it, with a Lucky-15 (4/4) system-betting, you bet on every single event in itself, every two events combinations, every three events combinations, and the case when all four events turn out favorably for you. The system-bets cost as much as these combinations would cost one-by-one. So system-betting on four events cost you four times the single events bet plus six times event-pair bets, four times three events combinations, and once the four events combination. In total, it costs 15x the price of your stake.
Think it over. If you have three sure tips, maybe it is better to increase your stake and bet on that three matches on your bet slip, without an additional unsure one. If you put an extra unsure one on your betting slip and use system-betting, you will pay 15 times your original stake.
There are other types of system bets too. In the "3/4" system bet you bet on every three events combination of four events. It can be useful if you are not sure of some of the games on your bet slip, but you know that three out of four will be winning. -
Sport betting today is not the same as it used to be. In the old days, sports bettors could only rely on the sports section of newspapers, rumors, and television sports news. But today, everyone is betting online.
Betting online means that you can use the vast amount of information on the Internet.
Everyone also has a lot of modern tech tools at their disposal. One can even create custom tables, programs, graphs with spreadsheet software, or with the help of some application.
And of course, betting online also means that you can send your betting slip to play, or request your winnings to an online account at the touch of a button.
Every sports team and tournament already has a website, so use it! These websites are the best possible sources of information. Have a look at the official website of the NHL with a tremendous amount of statistics and data. Have a look at the NBA stats from first hand!
Don’t just rely on private websites that want to tell you which specific team to bet on. These websites use the resources mentioned above to shape their tips. Of course, they can be correct, but usually, they ask for a payment for their tips. Why would you pay for something you can research yourself? If you do it yourself, you will improve your betting skills over time, and you will give your tips and match reviews for those websites.
On the top of this page you can hopefully find online betting sites, if they are not banned in your country. The appearing sites are tested by us and considered reliable. Use the high amount of first deposit bonuses that they offer for new registrants.